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Review by Mia
Japanese Hair Straightening
Main hair problems
Frizz, difficult to manage, strong wave.
Note from our Japanese Straightening Technician

This client wanted to spend more time enjoying life and less time battling with her hair. Lots of clients that have this treatment really just want their hair to be easier to handle on a daily basis. This client has an extreme amount of hair so it will take quite some time to do although it was a very nice result. The ends need to be protected where is has been bleached
"I am thrilled with the results of my Japanese hair straightening treatment. My hair is thick & heavy and completely wild at times. I am a dancer and often need my hair in a bun which can be time consuming & never looks sleak like a dancers hair should. Now since my treatment my hair feels incredible, lighter ( although will always be heavy due to the sheer volume of hair I have ) and much more manageable. I can get up in the morning, brush it and go! I never thought I would have easy to manage hair."

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